Saturday, July 19, 2008

business news on fox ...

when we went to fox business news i found it very fun. I went to a place where i would have never gone to if i wasn't in this was really exciting because i got a "behind the scene," and that was really fun.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

$$$ It`s all about the money. Or is it?

Some residents of california cannot getmore than $100,000 because the bank they are in is being closed because of bankruptcy check it out at,0,1444873.story

Child killed in a day care fire

While a day care fire began and all the children were trying to safely be taken out, one child didnt make it. Four- year- old girl died after being pulled out from a day care center. She was found unconscious and was later pronounced dead.Former Stepping Stones Day Care assistant director Jamie McCall said, "She was shy at first until you got to know her and when she knew you, she would open up and smile and come and hug you."

they r your friends

How can u do this to them they r your best friend DOG

two atlanta police officers shot, suspect killed

Two Atlanta police officers were shot and a suspect was killed on Tuesday. The shootings happened around 10:50 a.m. The officers were checking out a burglary and went to ask people some questions. The officers stopped by a home in 976 cascade road and asked the resident s who were male to show there hands and one of the men pulled out a semiautomatic weapon and fired at the officers. One officerwas shot in the chest the other was shot in the neck, none were seriously injured.

Dog Attacks and So Does Mom ( continued video attached)

Naked Man Robs Store then takes over bus
This man like robbed a bodega for a beer but when the cops came he ran onto a bus. when on the bus he like took over and he drove the but 200 yards until he decided to jump off. He did all of this while being naked.

Video shows interrogation of teen at Guantanamo

A canadian prisoner who is just only 16 years old weeps his hand in his face while bing interrogated by the u.s.a officals.The video was realsed on tuesday by the attorneys of Omar Khadr who is now 21. This occured in 2003 - 2004 iN the video he is seen take out is orange uniform fomr persion and you are able to see how he was being tourture as a prisioner He was captured in Afghanistan in 2002 at age 15 accused of throwing a grenade that killed A U. S soldier
Man bites nose off
a man bites someone nose off in a fight in front of brugar king

Dog Attacks and So Does Mom ( I made that up myself)

A toddler in Toledo Ohio was attacked by a dof after the toddler wa attacked the mother started a brawl with the dog's owner

Dad robs daughter's workplace

some dad when to her daughter's work and started robing her daughter's workplace........

mom and dad getting "kid sick"?....

kids used to get home sick when going off to camp, but now its the other way around. these days its harder fot parents to let go of their kids then for kids to let go of thier parents."The time and energy camp directors put into preparing parents for camp is now equal to the time they prepare children for camp," says Peg Smith who is head of the american camp association and has worked with almost 2,600 camp all over the nation.

my p.o.v. :
i think that its hard for the parents to let go because they fell as if thier kids might be thier "babies" and the kids are willing to let gho because they are growing up.... but it could be different in other families/cases.